Annual General Meeting 2014
Dear Members
With the resonance of our last year’s wonderful memories, we are gearing up for the Second CAUME AGM on Saturday the 10th, May 2014 at SWAGAT Banquet Hall, 6991 Millcreek Drive, Mississauga, ON, L5N 6B9.
The majority of attendees of the last year’s AGM shared many positive thoughts and feelings which was very encouraging. In a nut shell, it was stated that the elaborated mutual benefit out of our re-union is immense and incontrovertible. Therefore, our committee is trying our best to get every wheels rolling for another big show.
Our biggest strength is your support and your active participation. Therefore, please reserve the date and make arrangements to purchase your tickets at your earliest opportunity. Our batch reps will start to communicate with you soon.
Our Emphasis: As we strongly believe, we encourage each one of you to join us with your whole family including youth. The reason, this intellectual integration has power to entangle our inherited intelligence. Therefore, the effective mix and critical mass can trigger our children’s career paths towards highest success. Therefore, please don’t miss this wonderful moment.
Entertainment: We have paid enough thoughts and attention to see how we can keep our kids happy and busy. The committee is trying their best to organize good entertaining activities for them. On the other hand, the youth will have own session for dancing, singing and interaction. The parents can articulate their traditional footsteps and our University Style Authentic University Band along with DJ will curve them back from self to itself as they wheel around.
Foods & Appetizers: No wonder, mouth watering Authentic Sri Lankan Cuisine will spice the event.
Raffle Draws & Prizes: There will be many chances to test your luck as there will be Raffle Draws with Fabulous Prizes along the way. Good Luck for the Fortune Hunters.
How You Can Help Us: Like we did last time, to make this event filled with entertainments and subsidise some of our kid’s expenses, we are planning to raise some funds by doing a Souvenir. Therefore, If you think that you can give or find an advertisement for our Souvenir, please contact (Piryantha Kumarawadu - , Gregory Peiris -, or your batch rep at your earliest. Your active participation and generosity in this regard would be highly appreciated. More details will follow and therefore please stay tuned.
Lasantha Hapuarachchi
Assistant Secretary
Batch Representatives.
- Ajantha Weeraratna-1985
- Ananda Wickramasinghe-1986
- Gregory Peiris-1987
- Priyantha Kumarawadu-1991/92
- Birty Rajapakse-1993
- Mangala Ranaweera-1994(S)
- Chandra Kuruppu-1994 (J)
- Pubudu Premawardena-1995
- Uddaka Edirisinghe-1996
- Chaminda Perera-1997
- Rukmal Angammana-1998
- Sandaruwan Sooriyahetti-1999 and Junior